Sunday, April 17, 2016

The 2016 target of Bluetooth technology range increased his speed to redouble

  Judging from the present situation, Bluetooth technology is mainly used for connecting to a wireless mouse, keyboard, headphones, wearable devices, and smart phones, and so on, according to foreign media reports PCWorld, Bluetooth technology the main tasks of the Union in 2016 will focus on intelligent home systems, such as smart bulbs, smart door locks, thermostats and more, of course, there are other aspects of the Internet.

  Bluetooth technology Alliance (Bluetooth Special Interest Group, Bluetooth SIG for short) is a telecommunications, computer, automotive, industrial automation and networks transnational organization composed of leading manufacturers in the industry. They are committed to promoting the development of Bluetooth wireless technology, short-range wireless specification for connecting mobile devices to develop low-cost, and to market it.

The 2016 target of Bluetooth technology: range increased his speed to redouble their

  Most noteworthy is that the purpose of the Alliance is the Bluetooth 4.0+ (also known as Bluetooth low power Bluetooth and Smart) technology to increase range of 396 meters. This means that user when I walked in the room, watch or fitness wristbands will not be disconnected from the mobile phone. Michael Kors air Case

  In addition, if user intend to install outdoor motion sensor or lighting system, does not need WiFi or another long distance network connection technology can be connected to the hub and control.

  It is understood that the Bluetooth SIG had announced in February this year, they will be in the next year on a mesh network standardization support. This will allow a range of Bluetooth devices to transfer data from one node to the next node, eventually covering the entire construction, so that the mesh network will no longer require a single control hub. Sonos wireless audio systems is a well-known mesh network equipment, although it was not used by Bluetooth technology.

  In addition to these Internet applications, the Union also intends to not increase the energy consumption of Bluetooth data transfer speed to twice times the current speed, for battery-powered devices such as sensors, it is a factor worthy of consideration. According to the Union, said speed other than more beneficial to consumers, the device is particularly useful on a number of key areas, such as medical equipment.

  However, the schedule did not have an immediate possibility of Bluetooth technology Alliance. Even if these features have developed, device manufacturers will take some time to apply them to products. At present, the Bluetooth SIG does not give a specific timetable, beginning of may until the end of 2016 or 2017, can we see more effectively, and support mesh network of Bluetooth products to enter the market.

  Compared with other home automation protocol, Bluetooth technology has always been the advantage of lower energy consumption, but also its effective range was very limited. Bluetooth technology Alliance is seeking a satisfactory solution, so that it can become a protocols such as ZigBee and z-wave of competitors.

  In other words, the smart home of the war does not end in a short period, however, competition between different protocols so that they are becoming more powerful with each other, which is good news for consumers. Michael Kors iPad air Cases

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Tags: Science and technology , The Internet

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